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Atelier of Healing: Poetry About Trauma and Recovery


“When I stand before thee at the day’s end, thou shalt see my scars

and know that I had my wounds and also my healing.”

~ Rabindranath Tagore


We have all experienced pain of some kind — heartbreak, illness, distress, abuse, violence, disaster, loss, grief. What kind of personal suffering have you endured and weathered? If one were to navigate such trauma, what are some of the coping mechanisms? How, then, will you render your personal experience into lyric and narrative, to transform the pain into something of profound beauty? Poetry has long been known to be one of the great traditional healing arts, alongside dance, music, painting, theatre. As a creative practice, poetry can become a remarkable way to enhance personal healing, wellness and change. It can be as mending as it is ameliorating, as renewing as it is restorative.  


This anthology will be edited by Eric Tinsay Valles and Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé, scheduled for publication in 2021.






We consider poetry that engages with the theme of the anthology, encapsulated in its title, Atelier of Healing: Poetry About Trauma and Recovery. This theme may be freely interpreted. Please limit poetry submissions to 1-3 poems.



Friday, 2 October 2020 (Extended to Saturday, 31 October 2020)


If necessary, this anthology project will operate on a rolling deadline, until the anthology has found its desired suite of poems.




We aim to contact contributors with accepted work after we’ve finalized selections. Because of our workload, we are unable to send out rejection correspondence. Please accept our apologies on this.




Contributors will receive a complimentary copy of the anthology. The anthology will have its launch in 2021, and various authors will be invited to read their poems at this event.


1. Please include a cover letter in your email, with a contributor biography of no more than 70 words. In the Subject Heading, please type “SUBMISSION TO ATELIER OF HEALING: YOUR NAME”.

2. All manuscripts must be typed, single-spaced. Please title your Word document “ATELIER OF HEALING: YOUR NAME”. Unless typography is crucial to the aesthetic of your poem, please use standard typefaces (font 12) such as Arial, Cambria, Georgia, Helvetica or Times New Roman.

3. Do indicate your full publication name (what you’d like to appear within the anthology) and include your name in the header on every page of the manuscript.

4. We only accept submissions via email. Submissions should be addressed to:

5. We accept new or previously published work, although we would prefer new pieces. If the works have been published before, you must still retain rights to these works. Please also indicate where the pieces first appeared for the purpose of acknowledgement. If your work is accepted for publication, we request a non-exclusive license to print your works within the anthology and for publicity purposes.

6. We encourage simultaneous submissions.

7. Our aesthetic taste is diverse. We are as charmed by traditional forms as we are by experimental innovations. We’re simply looking for texts of lovely literary craft and merit, to be so blown away by your genius, we can’t wait to showcase your voice to the world.


We welcome your poems, which we honor. All the very best with the writing, and we look forward to receiving your stellar work!

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